Guides and Manuals provide information to help ordinary people understand how to use, operate, troubleshoot, maintain and install a particular product. Manuals provide enough information to ensure a product or service is put to good use. A good manual avoids information gaps and benefits a company greatly by reducing the time it has to spend explaining what users should do, how to operate, install, etc a product.
Efixis can work with your technical department to produce a high quality manual as per its specific needs. There are various types of manuals with the most widely used ones shown below:
• User Manuals;
• Operating Manuals;
• Laboratory Manuals;
• Product Manuals;
• Installation Manuals;
• Troubleshooting Manuals.
Formal Reports are used to inform decision makers on important issues and enable them to make educated decisions. They are quite detailed, informational or analytical in nature, and focus on a complex issue. Both report types include data and facts needed to help draw decisions, however, the analytical report also offers recommendations.
Formal Reports are several pages long, formally organised and sectioned as follows:
• Executive Summary;
• Introduction: includes the purpose, problem, scope and methodology;
• Findings and Analysis: includes facts discovered and their analysis;
• Conclusions: summarises the findings of the report;
• Recommendations (analytical reports): advises based on findings, analysis and conclusions;
• References;
• Appendix (optional).
Informal Reports are short and are used internally to share important information with a person or a small group of people.
Informal Reports have the following sections:
• Introduction;
• Discussion;
• Conclusions.
Technical Copywriting demands the combination of two quite different skills, technical expertise and writing ability, to enable the creation of relevant and engaging content that sells. Very important is also the fact that technical copywriters usually write for an audience external to an organisation and quite knowledgeable on technical subjects making this a challenging task.
Examples of Technical Copywrite:
• Press Releases;
• Brochures;
• Articles;
• Marketing Materials.
Proposals are documents written to convince decision makers to adopt an idea, a product or a service. They could have an in-house or external to an organisation focus and are also used when applying for funding. Proposals can be short and informal or longer and formally structured reports.
Feasibility Studies are documents written to show the practicality of a proposed policy, product, service, or other change within an organisation. They are often prompted by ideas put forward in proposals and examine their potential. Issues considered include costs, market potential, technological viability, alternatives, etc.
Feasibility Studies reflect the objectivity of a report and try to convince readers to either adopt or reject an idea put forward, adopt an alternative, or reject all possibilities. The reports can be short and informal or longer and formally structured.
Technical Background Reports provide carefully selected information on a technical topic. The information is adapted to suit a specific group of readers, such as engineers, and relates to their areas of expertise. The general technical background provided on the subject of interest intends to enable them to do their jobs in a more effective way.
The Technical Background Report will include appropriate sections from the following list:
• Executive Summary;
• Definitions of Terms;
• Causes of the issue reported;
• Effects and consequences;
• Types and Categories;
• Historical background;
• Processes with explanations on how the process occurs;
• Descriptions and information on physical or other details;
• Comparisons;
• Applications;
• Advantages and disadvantages;
• Capabilities and limitations;
• Economic considerations;
• Social, political, legal, ethical implications;
• Problems and questions;
• Solutions and answers.
White Papers are technical reports written by experts and are used to identify and explain complex issues, problems and unwanted situations to professionals as well as the public. They present the issuing company's philosophy on these issues and offer solutions and/or advise. As they are usually read by Directors and Corporate Executives they can generate more sales, credibility and trust if they are professionally and authoritatively written.
White Papers intend to establish the issuing company's expertise on the matter and promote its products and services. They offer solutions from the perspective of expertise rather than aggressive marketing. They make the readers curious and urge them to take action and find out how the products and services of the issuing company can solve these problems.
White papers are usually organised to include the following sections:
• Introduction: giving an insight on the issue at hand;
• Problem Identification: providing general information to help readers understand what the problem may be;
• Proposed Solution: giving enough information to the readers on a proposed solution to enable them to make their own decisions on its usefulness;
• Advertisement: introducing the actual products and services of the issuing company, providing benefits and supporting evidence to convince the readers why they are the best available;
• Conclusion: summarising the problem and reiterating the advantages of using the proposed solution as well as the disadvantages of not doing so;
• Contact Details.
£ | Hourly | Daily | Weekly |
Writing | £ 65 | £ 390 | £ 1,750 |
Editing & Proofreading | £ 45 | £ 270 | £ 1,215 |
The prices above do NOT include VAT
• Please contact us to discuss your requirements, ensure clarity on your expectations, and establish amount of work needed;
• A Purchasing Order (PO) must be submitted by the client - in most cases;
• A deposit of 50% is charged prior to the start of any job and the rest on completion;
• Payments by online bank transfer;
• Urgent jobs may incur an extra charge;
• Retainer agreements welcomed.
€ | Hourly | Daily | Weekly |
Writing | € 75 | € 450 | € 2,025 |
Editing & Proofreading | € 50 | € 300 | € 1,350 |
The prices above do NOT include VAT
• Please contact us to discuss your requirements, ensure clarity on your expectations, and establish amount of work needed;
• A Purchasing Order (PO) must be submitted by the client - in most cases;
• A deposit of 50% is charged prior to the start of any job and the rest on completion;
• Payments by online bank transfer;
• Urgent jobs may incur an extra charge;
• Retainer agreements welcomed.